Administration, Education|

The Lax Kw’alaams Band would like to welcome Christina Fodor to the Band office, now in the role of Education Coordinator.

Christina Fodor (Gomez) has an educational background in social services and business administration. She has her Essential Skills Practitioner certification and was a Superhostinstructor in her last position.

Christina is a Lax Kw’alaams Band member. She was raised by the late John and Janet (Kelly) Gomez, whom she calls her parents. Her biological parents are Margaret Kelly and the late Arnold Didrickson.

Christina has lived in Prince Rupert for most her life, lived in Terrace for 5 years, and is now living in Lax Kw’alaams. She is looking forward to meeting everyone and being a member of the community.

Education Department – New temporary numbers

Please be advised that the Education Department contacts at the Lax Kw’alaams Band can be reached at the temporary phone numbers below.

Lisa Green
Education Manager
[email protected]
(672) 647-0019

Christina Fodor
Education Coordinator
[email protected]
(672) 647-0008

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