
Lax Kw’alaams Council is in search of 2 interim Trustees fill 2 vacant Trustee positions, for a term of 2 years.

In the Band election on November 21, 2023, 3 Trustees were elected by acclamation from a potential 5 positions. 

In the case where only 3 trustees are elected by acclamation, council will appoint 2 trustees to fill the vacant roles for a term of 2 years. After this 2 year term, there will be a by-election to fill these 2 roles for the remainder of the term.

Role and Responsibility of Trustees:

  • Hold the Trust property for the beneficiaries
  • Retain, dismiss & replace independent advisors (i.e. hire an investment manager, auditor)
  • Invest the Trust funds and monitor the investments
  • Meet regularly
  • Work with Council to make distributions from the Trust

Names will be accepted until Friday January 12, 2024 at 4:30pm. Interested applicants must be LaxKw’alaams Band members.

To submit your name for the role of interim Trustee, please contact:

Karen Knott, Trust Liaison
[email protected]
250-624-3293 ext. 234

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