Administration, Infrastructure|

Please see below for the details of the fibre-optic funding announcement, or find the news release here at the BC Gov News website:

This funding announcement was originally intended to be an in-person event on January 31, 2024, but was moved to a news release out of respect, due to memorial arrangements taking place in the community during the same time period.

Project connects people of Lax Kw’alaams with high-speed internet

LAX KW’ALAAMS – People living in Lax Kw’alaams on the northwestern coast of B.C. will be able to unlock new possibilities with a $1.1-million project to bring high-speed broadband internet access to more than 340 homes.

High-speed internet is a game-changer for the people of Lax Kwalaams, providing the essential tools for work, health care and community engagement, said Jennifer Rice, North Coast MLA. This strategic investment is about ensuring every individual in this community can thrive in the digital age.

The project, to be built and operated by service provider CityWest, will provide faster broadband speeds for people living in the community and provide improved access to digital services, educational resources and economic opportunities. Construction will begin in 2024.

Getting high-speed internet means a lot to our community because it means we can access services and programs online,said Garry Reece, mayor of Lax Kwalaams. We appreciate all the partners that came together to make this connectivity project possible.

The Province will invest as much as $196,600 through the Connecting British Columbia program, administered by Northern Development Initiative Trust. The federal government will invest as much as $523,000 through the federal Universal Broadband Fund. Service provider CityWest will contribute approximately $423,000.

See below for more details on this project.

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