
Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Stewardship program is run through the Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Department.

We conduct rigorous scientific research to monitor the condition and use of marine resources within the territory. Lax Kw’alaams representatives use information collected from this research in negotiations involving fishing rights or proposed industrial development. 


Bill Shepert – Fisheries Manager
Charmaine Carr-Harris – Biologist (Skeena Fisheries Commission)
Jen Gordon – Biologist/Stewardship Program Coordinator
James Russell – Fisheries Technician
Jim Henry – Fisheries Technician
Wade Helin – Fisheries Technician
John Latimer – GIS Technician

Our Partners
Skeena Fisheries Commission
Simon Fraser University
Metlakatla Fisheries
Gitksan Watershed Authorities
Gitxaala Environmental Monitoring

For more information on the Stewardship Program, call the Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Lab at 250-627-8509 or email

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