Lax Kw’alaams Private Event
Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit
The Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit event, scheduled for June 8th, is the culmination of several weeks of planning in partnership with the Museum of Northern BC, the artist, and Lax Kw’alaams Band. The purpose of the event is to allow tribal members the courtesy of viewing the Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit ahead of the general public, and allow space for ceremony to take place.
By Tuesday June 4, 2024, the event was approved by all parties, arrangements finalized for catering and event security, and the community notified of the event details on the Lax Kw’alaams Band website and Facebook page.
On Wednesday June 5th, organizers were notified that the artist was unable to attend due to personal reasons, and the event postponed the same day. Following the postponement notice, the tribal leadership expressed their interest to move forward with the original event, prior to the exhibit being viewable to the public. The Lax Kw’alaams Band served as a co-facilitator for this event, and has opted to continue its support of the event at the request of tribal members. It is our understanding that the Museum of Northern BC is planning a “Meet the Artist” event for a later date.
The Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit showcases 9 large scale art pieces created by Art from Ashes, Lianna Spence. Each art piece represents one of the nine tribes: Giluts’aaw, Ginandoiks, Ginaxangiik, Gispaxlo’ots, Gitando, Gitlaan, Gits’iis, Gitwilgyoots and Gitzaxɫaaɫ.On January 6, 2024, these art pieces were gifted and turned over to each of the Nine Allied Tsimshian Tribes, at an event at the Reginald Sampson Gymnasium in Lax Kw’alaams. The Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit acknowledges the monumental effort by the artist, and educates visitors about the adaawx (history) and laxyuup (territory) of the Nine Allied Tsimshian Tribes.
Updated June 7, 2024
With support from Lax Kw’alaams tribal and elected leadership, Lax Kw’alaams members are invited to attend a private event to view the Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit at Atlin Terminal this Saturday, June 8.
Due to limited space, this invitation is Lax Kw’alaams member focused.
The Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit will be open to the public starting Tuesday June 11, 2024 for the duration of the summer.
The event will begin with a moment of silence, followed by ceremony for the Nine Tribes House Front Exhibit.
Saturday June 8th
190 – 215 Cow Bay Road, Atlin Terminal, Prince Rupert
Attendees are welcome to wear their regalia to this event
Contact: [email protected]