
The Lax Kw’alaams Band would like to thank and acknowledge our Veterans that served in WW1, WW2, Gulf War, & Canadian Rangers.

WW1 Veterans

Gordon Anderson

Arthur Richard Beynon

John Andrew Beynon

Philip George Beynon

Henry George Brooks

David Faithful

WW2 Veterans

Robert Alexcee

Robert Alexcee Sr.

Richard A. Beynon

Soney Beynon

George Harry Brooks

Cliff Bolton

Walter Brentzen

Clyde Brentzen

Charlie Dennis

Jeremy Dennis

James Dudoward

Bertran Flewn

Walter Flewn

Simon Green

Walter K

James Lawson

Frank Moody

Star Moraes

Clyde Moraes

George O’Dell

Billy Pilfold

Tom Pilfold

Thomas H. Ryan

Robert Spence

Rodney Valpy

Ed Valpy

Thomas Wesley

Peter Woods

Gulf War

Cmdr. Jonty Campbell Jackson

Canadian Rangers

Charlie Cooper

Willie Cooper

George Green

Wally Latimer

David Morrison

Morris Morrison

Chester Price

Joshua Price

Dicky Ryan

Leslie Ryan

Edward Sampson

Ed Valpy

Benny Wells


Lest we forget!

If there is anyone missing from the list, please let the band know and the list will be updated.

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