
2020 12 11 Biotoxin Update (6) – Mussel samples only

General Information

Area openings are dependent upon regular submission and analysis of samples for biotoxin analysis, as set out in a biotoxin monitoring protocol administered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).  

Three consecutive mussel samples, along with a sample of the targeted food species containing acceptable levels of biotoxin must be received in order for CFIA to recommend lifting a harvest restriction in an area.  CFIA will recommend lifting the biotoxin prohibition and a harvest site can then be considered by DFO for fisheries openings.  Once an area is open, on-going submission of mussel samples is required to maintain the opening.  CFIA will recommend closure of the harvest area to DFO if there is a lapse in sample submissions or if unacceptable levels of  toxin are detected (>80 ug STXdiHCl eq/100g; >20 ppm domoic acid (ASP); >0.2 ug /g Okadoic Acid /DTX Toxin and/or Pectenotoxin (DSP)).

Harvest Date: 2020 11 30 Result Date:   2020 12 07


Station:                                                DFO STAT AREA:

PASSED (<25 ug)                               STEAMER PASSAGE                         3 – 08

                                                              OPEN for Cockles and Butter Clams (Siphonless)

PASSED (<25 ug)                               CANOE PASSAGE                              3 – 07


PASSED (<25 ug)                               PEARL HARBOUR                              4 – 06

                                                             OPEN for Butter Clams (Siphonless)

PASSED (<25 ug)                               CLAM INLET                                        4 – 05


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries at 250-627-8509 or email [email protected].

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