August 25th to October 25th, 2020
Greetings Spirit of Lax Kw’alaams Ferry passengers, this notice is to inform the community that we have reached our 4year refit term for the ferry Nicola. What this means is every 4years BC Ferries takes the vessel South to conduct normal quadrennial maintenance and upgrades to the vessel, to ensure the ferry is in optimal working order for the next term.
The tug and barge will land at Aero Point and Tuck Inlet using the same ramp used by Nicola. The water taxi will land at the dock at Aero Point. Members of the public are asked not to dock their personal watercraft at this location. When going to Prince Rupert, the water taxi will be located at the Metlakatla dock below the Crest Hotel. This will allow residents better access to the downtown core.
Passenger fees remain unchanged. Because of the reduced sailings and limited passenger size due to COVID, you are highly encouraged to use the reservation system, as you do now. Last minute walk-ons will only be allowed if there is room, so please plan ahead.
Face masks are mandatory for all passengers.
During this period of time from August 25th to October 25th 2020, in lieu of our ferry a combination of passenger water taxis and vehicle/passenger barge will be used to temporarily replace the ferry services. We recognize the challenges when using other vessels to replace our ferry services, please understand that during this time there will be limited opportunity for “normal” travel. We encourage all to plan ahead and be mindful of the limited passenger and vehicle capacities for this short time. This also serves and a reminder that the COVID-19 pandemic is still active and non-essential travel is not encouraged.
Please see the Water Taxi and Barge Schedule below.