Health Department
1602 Legaic Street, Port Simpson, B.C. V0V 1H0
Phone (250) 625-3331 Fax (250) 625-3264
February 10, 2021
We are so happy to be able to share an update regarding dose 2 roll out of the Moderna Vaccine series. As the Amm Day Health Page shared yesterday, we are going to be able to start our clinic roll out the day vaccine arrives – which is now Thursday February 11.
The clinic staff will be calling and booking each community member in order of receipt of dose 1. So our first day of clinic will see those who got a dose on December 30th, clinic day 2 will be those that got a dose on December 31 etc.
Our tentative schedule is Thursday at 1, Friday 11-4 and Saturday 12:00-5:45pm. All clinics will be held at the health center board room as it was before.
We ask that you please bring your Covid-19 Immunization Record card as well as your PHN (Public Health Number) if you have it.
As we are being allotted just enough vaccine to complete those who got a dose one, we have to ensure everyone shows up on time for the vaccine as we cannot afford to lose a dose.
We are working diligently on issues like how to vaccinate those who are out of community and have already had a dose 1. We are connecting with the FNHA Immunization team and BC CDC daily for updates regarding safe minimal intervals between dose 1 and 2. As of today, 45 days between dose 1 and 2 is still a very safe time frame to allow excellent vaccine protection against COVID-19.
Please stay tuned for more details on clinic days for next week.
Most importantly, thank you for your patience and kindness as we quickly organize another Vaccine clinic. And please remember, we still need to practice all of our same Covid safety protocols with mask wearing, social distancing, hand hygiene as dose 2 requires up to 2 weeks to get to 95% protective rates.
In your service,
Lax Kw’alaams Nursing Station
Vannessa Langlois Nurse in Charge
Health Director
Kelvin Fehr