Election Documents

Please click on the link below for the instructions on submitting the Candidate Fee via E-Transfer for the 2023 election.

Candidate Fee payments may also be paid to the Lax Kw’alaams Band Administration Office directly. For fee tracking purposes, the Lax Kw’alaams Band will then provide a receipt or an email to OneFeather stating which Nominee has paid their fee.

Candidate Fee E-Transfer Instructions

Please click on the link below for the Candidate Withdrawal Form for the 2023 election.

Candidate Withdrawal Form

Please click on the link below for the current Lax Kw’alaams Election Regulations (2023).

Election Regulations 2023

Please click on the link below for the Election Nomination Documents for Mayor and Council for the 2023 election.

Mayor and Council – Election Nomination Documents

Please click on the link below for the Notice of Nomination Period document for the 2023 election.

Lax Kw’alaams Band Notice of Nomination Period

Please click on the link below for the Request for a Mail-In Ballot Package for the 2023 election.

Request for a Mail-In Ballot Package

Please click on the link below for the Election Nomination Documents for Trustee for the 2023 election.

Trustee – Election Nomination Documents

Please click on the link below for the amended Trust Agreement, which includes Trustee Vote Guidelines in Section 10 (starting on page 14).

Trustee Vote Guidelines

Policies and Procedures

The Lax Kw’alaams Band Council has confirmed this policy for reservations on the Lax Kw’alaams Ferry. This ferry reservation policy is consistent with other ferry services operated on the coast.

Vehicle reservations for the Band Ferry can be made by calling: 250.625.2445

Vehicles with reservations must be at the ferry dock and in the line-up a minimum of twenty (20) minutes prior to scheduled sailing time of the ferry for which the reservation applies.

Reservations will be terminated for any vehicles not lined-up at least twenty (20) minutes prior to scheduled sailing time, as noted in the line above.

All vehicles with reservations that have lined-up at least twenty (20) minutes prior to scheduled sailing time will be loaded on the ferry unless one of the following applies:

  1. An emergency vehicle must be loaded, (e.g. ambulance, police).
  2. The vehicle with the reservation exceeds the weight or dimensions of the ferry or the loading ramp.
  3. The captain, at his sole discretion, determines that the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle or the passengers of the vehicle represent a health or safety risk to the vessel and other passengers.

Please click on the links below for the Lax Kw’alaams Band Long Term Post-Secondary & Short Term Local Operating Guidelines Student Handbook 2013 (Revised April, 2022):


Deadlines for post-secondary education funding:

  • June 30 (if starting school in September)
  • October 30 (if starting school in January)
  • February 28 (if starting school in May)

Note: if the deadline falls on a holiday, or a day when the Band Office is closed, the deadline will be the next business day.

Long term Application Package 

Deadline for short term funding: 10 working days prior to the course/program start date

Short Term Application


What members told us about LNG and the Open Houses.

Key Issues Survey

What members told us about communications and LNG

Baseline Survey Report

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