Following events in 2014, there was a suggestion to address technicalities within the 2011 Lax Kw’alaams Custom Election code, and the complaints process.
The survey results attached below, and the meetings with membership, are part of the process resulting from that recommendation. The Lax Kw’alaams Election Code belongs to the membership, and can only be changed with the guidance of the members.
We have been gathering input and feedback from membership to help refine and compile suggested edits, that will drive the changes to the election code. A Draft Revision of the election code will be developed and submitted to membership for review and approval once we have as much feedback from membership as possible.
Click HERE to see the Election Code Survey Results: Election Code Survey Results
Click HERE to see the Election Code Information Sessions Presentation: Lax Kw’alaams Election Code Presentation
Click HERE to see the 2011 Lax Kw’alaams Custom Election Code: