
Tentative Start September 2021

On and off reserve members are welcome to apply. Living Allowance will be available. Lax Kw’alaams is building a new Daycare and there will be new employment opportunities for 10-12 people.

Coast Mountain College Requirements

§  High School Graduation or Mature Student

§  English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12 or Equivalent*

§  Criminal Record Check as required under BC Child Care Regulation

§  Two letters of reference confirming suitability for working with young children, written and dated within one year of the application.

§  Up to date written submission of work history (Resume)

§  Proof of compliance with BC’s Immunization and TB Control

§  Comprehensive type written statement (approx. 500-800 words) outlining work and/or volunteer experience with children age birth to six, career goals, and reasons for taking the ECCE program.

To apply

Come into the Learning Center at 507 Munroe Street or call Shelly or Lonnie at 250-625-2307. Or email [email protected]

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