This notice is an amendment from October 7th,2021
We currently have one confirmed case of COVID in the community. As a precaution the EMC has decided to keep the School, Brighter Futures and Headstart closed this week.
- The Band office will reopen for service, please have your vaccine card available, if you need service at the band office.
- Maintenance and the Health Center will resume all duties.
- The Rec Center will re-open to double vaccinated only; please be prepared to show your vaccine card
- Residents may continue to travel in and out of community
- Please be sure to carry your vaccine card with you if you travel.
- Please try to be diligent about sanitizing and wearing your mask.
- All non community members coming into community must have both vaccines
There is no need to isolate if you are double vaccinated and have not been called as a direct contact. We are continuing to follow the BC Guidelines
Essential Workers
- Essential workers and specific contractors may come into community if they have been double vaccinated with proof of vaccine card
Committee Overview
The Lax Kw’aaams EMC continues to monitor the current situation in both the Northern Region, as well as throughout the Province of BC.
Even though you have been vaccinated it is imperative to wear your mask at all times and sanitize your hands at every opportunity. Masks are still to be worn in all public buildings through out BC as per BC Guidelines.
If you have 2 of any of the symptoms listed below contact the clinic immediately to be assessed. The Delta variant is susceptible to vaccinated people; however, signs and symptoms may be minimal, and keeping in mind you may pass it on to someone more vulnerable. Getting tested is the safest way to keep everyone around you safe. If your symptoms are minor please stay home and self monitor your symptoms.
Cough / Fever / Runny nose / Loss of Taste and Smell / Nausea /Vomiting or Diarrhea
Important Reminders
- For all residents that are not vaccinated, we do not know what additional restrictions will be placed in the future, but, many facilities and services in and outside of the community will be requiring a vaccine verification. If you do not have yours and wish to get it, please contact the health center and we will assist you in receiving your vaccine.
- As of October 9th Children ages 5-11 can be registered to get their vaccine please look on the link: to register your child. It is not yet available but will be very soon.
- The Vax Van will be back in community in the next couple of weeks we will inform the community as to when that will be.
Please stay safe, wash your hands and wear your mask,
Garry Reece, Mayor