December 18, 2024
The AltaGas Bright Futures Bursary is intended to support Indigenous students in reaching their full potential through alleviating financial stress while attending post-secondary and trades educations.
AltaGas Bright Futures Bursary
Ten (10) bursaries will be distributed annually. Preference will be given to those with a demonstrated financial need. Although financial need will be the primary consideration, other factors may also be considered such as involvement in and contribution to the community as a whole.
Awards Criteria:
Awards Category: Post-Secondary Education
Institution of Study: Accredited post-secondary (university, college, technical college and apprenticeship programs) in Alberta or BC
Application Deadlines: February 1, August 1, November 1
To Learn More:
Visit the bilingual Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards program guidelines on the Indspire website to learn about all the funding offered to support post-secondary education.
Please read the program guidelines before filling out the application form at