Emergency Services, Health|

COVID-19 – Advisory #12

Increased risk is now being anticipated in Prince Rupert and Lax Kw’alaams Members are advised that COVID-19 has now appeared in Prince Rupert.

Council met in session on October 27th to discuss the increased prevalence of the COVID virus in British Columbia and Prince Rupert. Council asks that all members protect themselves and their families with vigilance but we are not prepared to shut down our community based on the data before us. Rest assured, however, that we are monitoring the situation closely and that we are prepared to change that decision very quickly.

We will continue to restrict access to our community to the Prince George – Prince Rupert corridor for residents of our community. Contractors providing services will be assessed on a case by case basis. Residents who go outside the corridor for valid reasons (patient travel) must isolate for 14 days when returning to the community.

Council will continue to fine anyone violating these restrictions in the amount of $750. We do so to protect our members, so please understand the need for everyone to wear mask when outside the community, wash your hands repetitively, and practice social distancing of 2 meters or more.

As most of you are aware, the Spirit of Lax Kw’Alaams will be back in service on Friday afternoon and regular ferry sailings will resume. Council is implementing a policy whereby everyone MUST wear a mask, whether you are in a vehicle or not. Passengers interact with our crew, especially when making payment, so please wear your mask to protect our staff and yourself. No mask, no service.

We can control the spread of the virus if we follow the above guidelines and create a community “bubble”. The vaccine will one day be here so in the interim, let’s rally together.

Garry Reece,


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