Given the relaxed COVID-19 curve throughout British Columbia, and given the few reported cases in neighboring communities, Council has decided to lift restrictions and to slowly open Lax Kw’alaams.
The pandemic is not over. Please do not become complacent. The virus kills. Please continue to exercise caution.
Effective Monday, we will resume normal ferry operations. Incoming and outgoing traffic will be limited to Band members and their spouses with the exception of those from the Lower Mainland where the incidents of infection still concern us. For non-Band members who wish to enter the community, please contact the CAO by email with a description of why you wish to enter ([email protected]). This will apply to contractors and companies whose work is critical to our community.
Incoming traffic will be screened by a nurse. We ask that you give her permission to take your temperature. You will be asked a series of questions for screening purposes. This is for your protection, please be cooperative.
Some issues have changed as a result of Council’s decision:
- Isolation is no longer required unless signs of COVID become evident.
- The Recreation complex will remain closed until further notice.
- The school will remain closed until September.
- Groceries for the community will now be terminated as residents can go to Rupert or shop here.
- We will not allow non-Band members into the harbour who wish to fuel their boats.
- Security personnel will no longer be required.
- The office will resume normal operating hours effective Monday. Only one Band member will be allowed in at a time. Elders in the line-up will be given priority.
- Cable and internet will remain free until June 1 at which time subscribers will be expected to pay their monthly bills as usual.
We repeat. Please be careful. Practice social distancing, wash your hands, be careful.
Garry Reece