Effective February 1 – 14/21’
The Lax Kw’aaams Band has been monitoring the situation in Prince Rupert and there has been an increase of COVID cases. There are no cases of COVID in the community. The Emergency Measures Committee (EMC) met on January 27, 2021.
The EMC decided that:
- Advisory 25 is extended to January 31, 2021 from a 10-day lockdown to a 14-day lock down
- The isolation period is now extended from 10 days to 14 days. Those that have been in isolate can finish off their 10-day isolation. Those that started their isolation on January 27th onward would need to isolate for 14 days.
1) Lax Kw’alaams remains on lockdown CURRENTLY until February 14, 2021
2) Residents leaving the community will not be allowed re-entry unless:
A) They are residents authorized to do so for EMERGENCY patient travel as authorized by the Health Centre Nurses. These patients must isolate for 14 days upon their return.
B) They are authorized to leave the community by the Assistant to the CAO for compassionate reasons (funerals, attending to those in critical care).
3) Non-residents currently in the community do not have to leave; but when they do leave, they cannot re-enter the community
4) Contractors who enter the community will be assessed on an individual basis. Priority will be given to essential services or the various projects currently underway that influence community infrastructure and safety. These contracts will have no contact with community members.
5) Retail grocers must not go back and forth. As before, please put your vehicle on the ferry, get it picked up at Aero Point by another individual, and get your vehicle returned unattended.
6) The Lax Kw’alaams Band will be ordering groceries for the community.
7) We encourage you to shop on-line or by phone in Prince Rupert, and get your groceries delivered to the ferry. Our flat deck will be on the ferry Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s in the morning and will remain at Aero Point until the afternoon sailing. We will deliver groceries to the Rec Centre on your behalf.
8) The ferry will continue to run on its regular schedule in order to allow the continued supply of groceries and materials to the community.
9) In order to prevent the unauthorized boat traffic from Prince Rupert to Tuck Inlet, the Tuck Inlet road will be open one hour before and closed one hour after each sailing. Should the road need to be open for emergency purposes, please get in touch with the maintenance department (either Luke or Reuben). The Fire Chief has the key for emergency purposes.
10) Security has been hired to monitor the traffic at Tucks Inlet and the harbour in Lax Kw’alaams.
11) Taxi drivers and their passengers are required to wear masks.
12) Patient travel clients can travel for EMERGENCIES ONLY and must isolate for 14 days upon their return. To limit the possible exposure to COVID, patient travel clients that travel to Prince Rupert are required to return home immediately following their appointment.
13) The isolation period is now 14 days. With-in that 14-day period, they must not have no sign of elevated temperature, breathing difficulty, or any signs of COVID-19.
14) Susan Dennis, Community Health Rep will be monitoring those that need to isolate. She will be giving directions for isolation as well as checking up on the health and well-being of those during the isolation period.
15) Anyone violating isolation restrictions will be fined $750 and will not be allowed on the Lax Kw’alaams ferry.
16) Ferry traffic will be monitored closer, not only will walk on passengers be required to give their name to the ferry reservation clerk, so will all people travelling in vehicles. If your name is not on the list, then you will not be permitted travel on the ferry.
17) The Band Office, Maintenance, Health Department, and School will be open on Monday, February 1st. The Recreation Centre will be opened on Tuesday, February 2nd and will be open to residents only.
Members are encouraged to wear masks AT ALL TIMES and use hand sanitizer.
Any questions regarding the flow of ferry traffic in and out of Lax Kw’alaams can be directed to Lisa Green, Assistant to the CAO at (250) 625-3293 Ext 242, 1-877-725-3293 Ext 242 or via email at [email protected].
Be safe.
Garry Reece,

Things you can do while in quarantine (self-isolation) for 14 Days
While keeping a physical distance of 2 metres from others, you can:
- Avoid contact with other people to help prevent transmission of the virus prior to developing symptoms or at the earliest stage of illness
- Greet with a wave instead of a handshake, a kiss or a hug
- Ask family, a neighbour or friend to help with essential errands (e.g., buying groceries, going to the band office to pay bills etc..)
- You are not allowed to go into any public buildings
- Use food delivery services or online shopping
- Go outside on your private balcony or deck, walk in your yard do some gardening get some fresh air.
- What ever you are doing outside your home
ALWAYS WEAR YOUR MASK No Visitors in Your Home
- You may go for a walk alone or with people you are isolating with that are in your bubble
- 6 feet distance from anyone else at all times
- Exercise at home
- Go for a drive in your vehicle but you need to go from your home into your car directly and do not get out of your car until you return home.
- Use technology, such as video calls, to keep in touch with family and friends through online dinners and games
- Work from home
Within the 14 Days Monitor yourself for symptoms, such as:
- New or worsening cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Temperature equal to or over 38°C
- Feeling feverish
- Chills
- Fatigue or weakness
- Muscle or body aches
- New loss of smell or taste
- Headache
- Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting
- feeling very unwell
If any of these symptoms occur please call 250-625-3331 and speak to a nurse !!