COVID-19 – Advisory #13
Because of increased COVID cases have been confirmed in Prince Rupert, Council has declared a state of local emergency for a two-week period. Travel limitations are imposed on residents effective Monday, November 2. Council wishes to use this two-week to evaluate whether the virus spreads further. Council also activated the Emergency Measures Committee (EMC) which will carry out the day to day operations in support of Council’s decision.
The Emergency Measures Committee met and has decided the following:
- Travel restrictions will take effect Monday, November 2.
- Residents will only be allowed out for patient travel or for emergency situations. If you go out, you must self-isolate for 14 days when you return.
- Residents are urged to get family members in Prince Rupert to buy groceries on their behalf or to order directly from Save On Foods or Safeway.
- The Band will have a truck at Aero Point where family members can place groceries. We will then drive the truck to the Rec Centre where we will distribute your groceries. We wish to limit traffic congestion at Tuck Inlet.
- Please have your boxes marked with your names on them and number them 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc.
- Masks on the ferry are mandatory for everyone.
- Temperature testing is also mandatory. Use hand sanitizer.
- Contractors will be allowed in on a case by case basis, and only for what we see as essential services. This includes doctors and nurses.
- Social gathers must be limited to 6 people unless you live together.
- Retail grocers must practice the same procedure as before. Please place your truck on the ferry, arrange to have someone pick it up and shop for you, and then place it on the ferry for the return trip. Grocers are not allowed into Prince Rupert.
10)Because of large anticipated crowds, expected to be about 100, we have cancelled the Halloween celebrations in the Rec Centre. We will try our best to give the children goodies but we can’t in good conscience allow such a large crowd.
We repeat that the above measures are for a two-week period at which time we will re-evaluate our need to continue these emergency measures.
If you have creative ideas that are in the community’s best interest, let us know.
Be safe.
Garry Reece